I have to scroll down about 50% to find an exact match to what I’m searching, for example I search “ABC | Monthly Report” and I have a folder named exactly that, it still is not returned at the top of the list, I have a plethora of individual files listed containing some part of what I searched, folders with partial matches and then about 50% down the list I can find the exact folder. Uploading files, or entire folders, to Google Drive and Microsoft OneDrive is a relatively straightforward process requiring a few simple clicks. The search function appears to only search the very first letter that I type, it doesn’t auto-complete with options of folders that match what I’m typing. With both Google Drive and OneDrive, users can instantly share single or multiple files or entire folders in a number of ways. I am an Admin in our Google Drive account so I’m met with an overwhelming amount of files/folders that were edited/modified in my whole Google Workspace account. The whole concept of sharing from Google Drive is built around each user having their own account and inviting other users to share or collaborate with them. The reason you would have multiple accounts is for keeping some files private while sharing others. It doesn’t display just my personal Google Drive folders. One Google Drive Account will work fine on multiple computers.
When I do sign in, I get a listing of ALL Google Drive folders shared with me, in either date modified order or alphabetical sort. Appears to be the same both the web browser and app versions of Asana. Every time I need to add a file stored in Google Drive to a task in Asana, I have to re-sign into Google to authorize it.